5 geekiest moments in the Thor: Ragnarok trailer

Thor: Ragnarok just dropped its first trailer, and it’s a real geekfest, especially for those familiar with the comic books. Set to the rocking tune of Led Zeppelin’s Immigrant Song, the trailer delivers a fast-paced cut of action sequences, homages to iconic comic story arcs, and a good look at some of the main players in the story.

From the looks of it, director Taika Waititi has decided to discard the overly dramatic feel of the previous two Thor films, and embrace the character’s campiness. Chris Hemsworth looks a lot more relaxed as Thor, and even sports a new short haircut.

Here are five things that got us geeking out after watching the trailer.

1) All hail Hela, Queen of Hel

Right in the beginning, we see Thor all strung up in chains and descending into a lava-filled cavern. That’s most likely Hel, the realm of the dead ruled by Hela, the Queen of Hel, played by Cate Blanchett, who looks absolutely evil and menacing with her jet black hair, and that elaborate headdress.

We then get a good look at just how bad Hela is, as Thor hurls Mjolnir at her, only for the goddess to catch it with ONE HAND, and crush it to bits!

This is likely a pivotal part of the movie, as Thor’s greatest source of power is his magic hammer. It should be interesting to see just how the God of Thunder copes without the source of his thunder …

Cate Blanchett looks awesome as Hela, Queen of Hel.

Cate Blanchett looks awesome as Hela, Queen of Hel.

I told that barber, just a little off the top

I told that barber, just a little off the top

2) Asgard in ashes

It seems one of Hela’s main goals is to watch Asgard burn, and the trailer has some pretty epic scenes of the battle, including one that sees what could be the Tree Of Life burning. Thor probably loses his hammer during the battle, gets captured, and ends up on the alien planet called Sakaar.

3) Are you not entertained?

Somehow, Thor ends up on Sakaar hammer-less, and is captured and forced to be a gladiator, In the process of being prepared to be a gladiator, he loses his luscious locks as well. It’s a good look for him though, even better when he dons a familiar-looking helmet when in the ring (hint: it has wings).

Comic fans will recognise this Gladiator Hulk from the Planet Hulk series.

Comic fans will recognise this Gladiator Hulk from the Planet Hulk series.

4) Loki gets lucky?

It wouldn’t be a Thor movie without Loki in it, and Tom Hiddleston’s Trickster God gets two scenes in the trailer – one of him nonchalantly tossing a pair of daggers while in battle, looking really cool while doing it.

It’s the other scene that has us intrigued though – why is he seated in the gladiatorial ring’s VIP suite with Jeff Goldblum’s Grandmaster? Is he betting on his brother’s fights? And since he was seen taking over Odin’s throne at the end of Thor: The Dark World, what role does he play in Hela’s attack on Asgard?

Loki will probably be playing another important role in Thor Ragnarok.

Loki will probably be playing another important role in Thor Ragnarok.

5) Planet Hulk

The fight Loki appears to be watching is set to be the biggest set-piece of Thor: Ragnarok – the fight between Thor and Hulk! The sight of Hulk in his gladiator costume is a huge homage to the Planet Hulk series in the comics, in which Hulk is banished to Sakaar and forced to become a gladiator, eventually rising to become king of the planet. Thor may seem happy to see him at first, but he’s about to realise that this isn’t the Hulk that he is “friends at work” with.

Thor: Ragnarok will be released in November 2017.

Hela's main objective seems to be the destruction of Asgard.

Hela’s main objective seems to be the destruction of Asgard.


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