A new community

Community star Joel McHale gets out of the classroom and into the workplace in the new comedy series The Great Indoors.

Jack Gordon, played by McHale, has travelled the world throughout his career as an adventure journalist. He suddenly gets called back to his magazine’s headquarters to manage its online editorial department made up of mostly millennials.

Entertainment Weekly asked McHale, who’s known for his sarcastic commentaries on pop culture show The Soup, to name a headline describing his greatest outdoor achievement. “I Almost Climbed Mount Rainier. My wife and I, my little brother, and Jim Rash of Community fame tried to climb Mt Rainier (in Washington),” shares the 45-year-old actor. “But one of our guides didn’t bother to tell us that he had pneumonia, and at 10,000ft he had a panic attack and ran back down the mountain, leaving us guideless, which meant we couldn’t summit. And that guy never apologised either, which was really, really tacky of him.”

A lot of the jokes on the show is geared at insulting millennials. Will they be offended by them? McHale says everyone is a target on the show, not just millennials. “… We are equal-opportunity offenders. Generation X will absolutely be offended, and so will Baby Boomers. I guarantee that if some kids wander onto set, we’ll make fun of them, too.”

The Great Indoors airs every Monday at 10pm on Star World (Astro Ch 711).


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